
Python Programming: Exercises 2 - 4

  • There are 3 exercises for Python programming.
  • Readings for the 3 exercises
  • Create a separate web page for each exercise. Write the exercise page with
      • no more than 1000 words (in Chinese or English), and with
      • a lot of pictures of your python programming captured from your computer screen.
  • There are two things you have to write in these exercise pages
    • Practiced python codes (screen capture)
    • Bug/difficulty you encounter, and the way you solve it.
  • Submit the web address of your web pages to Google Classroom.

Ex2 Python Programming (I)

  • Goal: Install and practice python programs. In this exercise you should learn: install python, variable, while, for, if, if else, function.
  • Watch the youtube videos, and practice the example python codes.
  • Write a report page.
  • Submit the web address of the report page to Google Classroom.

Ex3 Python Programming (II)

  • Goal: Second exercise for python programming. In this exercise you should learn: local variables, package, file read/write, tuple, list, multi-dimensional array, dictionary.
  • Watch the youtube videos, and practice the example python codes.
  • Write a report page.
  • Submit the web address of the report page to Google Classroom.

Ex4 Python Programming (III)

  • Goal: Third exercise for python programming. In this exercise you should learn miscellaneous and advanced syntax of python: import, continue&break, try (exception handling), zip/lambda/map, copy vs. deepcopy, threading, multi-processing, tkinter, pickle, set.
  • Watch the youtube videos and practice the example python codes.
  • Write a report page.
  • Submit the web address of the report page to Google Classroom.

Ex1. Create a web site for your homework

  • All of the home works in this course should be submitted to a web site created by you.
  • The students have to use FJU Google account: xxx@gapp.fju.edu.tw.
    • If you do not have a FJU Google account, please go to the FJU application page to to apply a FJU Google account.
  • Go to google sites "http://sites.google.com/new", use your FJU Google account to log in, and create a web site called: "XXX website for Machine Learning course".
  • Fill-in your web site
    • Upload some of your personal pictures into your web site.
    • Create four web pages: Home, HW-exercise, HW-reading, HW-programming.
  • Sample: Stephanie Wang for CV 106-2 course
  • Submit your web address by Google Classroom.